Kent classic

Kentish rarebit

A great Sunday brunch idea, we have just simply added Kent bacon and eggs. Catering does not always need to be complex.

This version of Welsh rarebit is made with apples, an inseparable part of the history of the county. This snack was enjoyed by fruit pickers in Kent’s orchards during the 20th century and is still a delightful snack today. Mix melted cheese and sliced apple then spread on bread before grilling. The Kentish rarebit can be made with Kentish huffkin for a doubly traditional treat.

Kent is known for its apple production with orchards that used to sweep across the county (25,000 acres in total!) bursting with the fruits every year to be shipped off to London. Apples are still grown in Kent to this day as visitors to local farms and orchards can attest.

Oliver Fox

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